Friday, September 25, 2009

Malpractices - Jawali - Nightlife


Joey (not his real name) may look like a “boy-next-door” type of guy but actually, aside from being a generally good Ateneo college student on weekdays, he is also a “party hard” type of guy on Saturdays. You will find him almost every weekend nights in bars.

A 20-year old Business Management student, Joey is hoping to graduate this school year. For more than three years now in college, he had been going to bars with friends on weekend nights, mostly on Saturdays, to disco at Halo, Latitude or Ground Zero, or to just hang-out at the bars in the Catribo complex. It has been quite his routine but no schedule is actually made. He simply goes along with friends who invite him. Residing in Tetuan, it is not much of a bother for him to go to places, especially because he has his own motorcycle.

A way to relax and release stress caused by school stuff—this is how he defines his nightlife. However, it is not much of a stress reliever when some of his night-out buddies unexpectedly get into trouble.

Joey claims his academic performance is “okay” so far and he thinks that nightlife has nothing to do with his grades. Financially, he does not do allotment and budgeting. He spends available cash enough for himself because he goes out with friends in KKB(Kanya-kanyang bayad) basis. His parents also do not mind at all.

Though many go to the disco to meet new people, Joey is already contented with the groups of friends he has. He may hang out with different groups but he got some consistent night-out buddies.

As for his lovelife, Joey’s got a girlfriend. They have been together for more than three years now but his girlfriend does not exactly know his whereabouts all the time. There are problems that may arise because of this but again, Joey claims he knows how to handle the situation.

Joey values his spiritual life. With the retreat he recently attended, he realized that some aspects of his nightlife contradicts with some Jesuit concepts of a spiritual life. However, he still considers himself a devout Catholic.

For Joey, there’s really nothing wrong with nightlife. He does not necessarily recommend it to other students but he believes that while still young, teenagers should also try to socialize and give time to enjoy life because “age is something that goes up and never goes down” and time can never be turned back.

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