Sunday, April 26, 2009

De Leon: Week #2 at Peace Works

List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

April 20, 2009
9:19 AM
New story assignments were given to us for this week. I have two assigned stories to write, one is on Tanglaw Buhay Center and the other is a short feature on the city’s public parks, beaches and other recreational spots. The assignments were sent to us through e-mail along with brief descriptions. Then I thought of how to contact offices and people that I need for these stories.

2:00-3:30 PM
I sent a letter of appointment to Ma’am Marcelina Carpizo, point person for Tanglaw story, at her office in CPD-WMSU. Unfortunately, she is in Thailand until next week. Instead, Kit Berik, the one who received the letter, forwarded me to Rosevie Remulta. It was raining hard that time and so I decided to go home and make phone calls to follow-up all appointment interviews.

It took me four call attempts before I finally got the chance to talk to Ma’am Remulta because she was out of the office. We agreed to have the interview the following day and exchanged numbers to confirm the schedule.

With the numbers I got from the directory, I called up the city tourism office to inquire how I can possibly make an appointment with Sarita Hernandez, the city tourism officer. I was instructed to pass through the mayor’s office before having access with the tourism office.

7:30-8:00 pm
Ma’am Remulta asked me to send the guide questions for the interview beforehand so she can prepare the necessary information. So, I sent it to her-email address and made the letter for tourism office at the same time.

In preparation for the short feature on the city’s recreational spots, I read some online information about the benefits of recreation and some information on the city’s tourist spots. I also prelisted the public beaches, parks, pools and aviary that I know here in the city.

April 21, 2009
10:00 AM
I was bringing along with me the letter of approval for the mayor, so I can meet with the city tourism officer. I dropped it to the office of the secretary to the mayor and I was asked to follow-up the communication the following day.

While waiting for Remulta’s confirmation of the schedule, I checked out some online information about child-trafficking. Then she finally confirmed that we’ll have it at three o’clock in the afternoon.

2:30-5:00 PM
I went to the center at around 2:30 because Ma’am Remulta was quite in a hurry and even wanted to move the interview the next day. So, we made some rushed arrangements and had it earlier. Luckily, the resident psychologist, Claire Miranda, was also at the center that time and so I had the chance to talk to her and get some necessary information from her.

I made the transcription necessary information from the recorded interview and ran down my notes to outline my story.

April 22, 2009
10:30-12:30 noon
I wrote and finished the story on Tanglaw Buhay during this time and decided to go on with the other article. I talked to Ma’am Sarita Hernandez earlier than this time, through phone call, and she told me how busy the office is right now. She gave no assurance about the schedule of the interview and just said the she’ll get back to me as soon as her schedule gets fixed.

1:30 PM
I tried to contact the office of the city’s general services but i was really having problem the phone unit that I was using. All the while, I thought something is wrong with the line or the office’s number has already changed. Instead, I tried to look for other information in the web to check the functions and responsibilities of the office.

8:00 PM
As promised, I sent a copy of the article to Ma’am Remulta for counter checking.

April 23, 2009
10:00 AM
Again, I tried to look for Engr. Dela Cruz who is in charge of the office of the general services and luckily, I was able to connect through a different number. It was a good thing that I don’t have to pass through the mayor’s office before they can give me some information that I need. However, he said that the office is really busy this week in preparation for “Dia de Caling” on Sunday. The closest possible time that he can meet with me is on Monday. I reported this to our EIC, and moved the story for the following week.

5:00 PM
I got a text message from Ma’am Remulta asking me regarding some corrections on the article that I wrote. To have the corrections personally explained to me, I dropped by the office of Katilingban to meet with Ma’am Elsa and Ma’am Rose.

April 24, 2009
3:00-5:00 PM
We had our weekly consultation with Sir Rey. Everything went well and our stories were uploaded on the website that same day.

Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.
I do not know if this is actually a skill. But I personally feel that this is an important thing that I learned during the week, PATIENCE- Patience to wait for people you need for your stories considering that each second counts. While waiting, I had to make use of my time for other things that will help me in doing my other task. Also, there were times that I almost lost hope and thought that I will not be able to finish a story. Apprehension was always there. But at times that I really do not know what to do anymore; I immediately consult it with our EIC. However, as much as I can still find ways and means even up to the last second, I really strive for myself and think of other solutions and WAIT for what is going to happen next.

Another thing is PERSISTENCE. Some people will actually treat you like someone who can wait forever for their decision. It is also important that you explain yourself very well so they would understand your situation. Just like what happened when Ma’am Remulta wanted to move the interview the next day, I insisted that we pursue it that day. But of course, I did it in a very nice manner and explained myself. I also did the same thing for the other article. Everyday, I follow-up my interview with Sarita Hernandez, through her secretary, and really insist to insert our appointment in her week’s schedule. I know she is very busy but of course, I will not be able to talk to her if I just remain stagnant.

And lastly, organization and making use of technology. Since we were supposed to submit two articles for this week, it is important that we make use of our time very wisely. I really had to plan the things that I will do and organize my daily schedule. Telephone calls and communication through mobile and e-mail help a lot. There are instances that I need not go to an office to personally inquire or set an appointment, but just follow it-up through a phone call. This is what I actually did when I scheduled an appointment with Engr. Dela Cruz of the general Services Division. I may always inquire through the telephone and just drop a formal communication in case that they really require it, just like the office of the City Tourism. It was also an easy thing to exchange messages with Ma’am Remulta through the phone, mobile and e-mail.

Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.
I personally feel bad for not being able to finish the two story assignments for this week. I felt that I tried everything that I can to get in touch with the people that I need for the stories. But all of them are really not available and there is a time constraint that makes it difficult.

Then I thought that I am still new in the business. Normally, they would not just give their attention to someone who is new in the business in a very tight schedule. And so I have to wait, wait and wait if they cannot really spare even thirty minutes of their time to me.

Regarding the other story, I did not have any problem except that it is a very sensitive subject matter because it concerns children who are victims of human trafficking. Ma’am Remulta was very much concerned on how the story will be written and oftentimes reminded me not to discuss the cases of the children and not to mention the location of the center. She even gave me some pamphlets and brochures that can help me in making the story. There are many policies, that she is really careful and responsible about the children’s welfare. First hand, she told me that I should not include photos of the children to keep their identities confidential from the public. That was very clear to me and so I took photos of the center’s façade, the children’s artworks and I got the logo of the center. However, after discussing with Ma’am Claire, the psychologist, when we went out of the room, there were four girls who were dancing in the living room and they we’re really having a good time. Ma’am Claire said that I can take some pictures with the girls. Upon hearing this, the four them were so excited and started fixing themselves and rushed into somewhere that they can pose. I was very mindful of how these girls would feel and so I asked them if they really want to take pictures. And they were really excited and Ma’am Claire was even happy that the girls were mingling with an outsider. All the while, I thought it was ok and the girls even asked me if they can have copies of their pictures and so I promised that I’ll come back and give them their personal copies of their photos.

I was very happy when I left the center. Hearing the stories of those girls, having the chance to mingle with them and seeing their smiles, really touched my heart. However, the following day, I received a text message from Ma’am Remulta and she sounded like I was someone who cannot keep promises. I took photos of the girls, yes, but I knew it was not for press release. I just avoided hurting the feelings of the girls and I thought it was ok because Ma’am Claire was there during the picture taking. However, we settled the issue and that night, I sent her a copy of the story for counterchecking.

I actually finished writing my weekly report in the morning of April 23. However, some things happened later that day so I decided to add some things on my report. It was 5 o’clock in the afternoon when I got a text message from Ma’am Remulta. She was asking me to contact the director of Katilingban, Ma’am Elsa, for some corrections on the write-up. When I called-up at the office of Katilingban, they asked me to go to the center for the revisions on the article.

When I arrived home, I immediately made the revisions and sent it to Ma’am Remulta. Right at that moment, I did follow-up revisions through SMS that she sent me. Then, finally she said that before having the article published on the net, Ma’am Elsa should check the article first.

With all of these things, I thought to myself that things happen unexpectedly. People you need are not just there ready to talk to you all the time. Some stories have to undergo several screenings before it gets published due to policies and protection of the people involved in the stories. However, as the writer of the story, it is always my right to defend my story and as much as possible not allow other people to interfere with my writing style. Censorship is one thing that I am really trying to avoid as much as possible. Especially the experience that I had with the Tanglaw Buhay story, I really tried to defend how I wrote the story and explained that it is not a press release for the center. But of course, as a beginner, I had to build rapport with people that I will still be encountering in the future. So, everything was said and done in a very polite manner.

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