Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Querubin: Week #6 at PeaceWorks

May 18
When I read my mail for this week’s assignment, I was surprised about the topic because it is such a delicate situation. And so I immediately requested for clarification on the angle I am to focus regarding the topic. It is about the beheading of an Abu Sayyaf hostage in Basilan.

While searching in the net for latest news about the event, I caught myself reliving memories of my childhood that involved the Abu Sayyaf Group. These internationally known terrorists have been as violent and merciless as I have heard of them since then.

I could not help but get lost in the thoughts of having this Group getting national attention with the latest beheading of one of their hostages.

I learned that poverty can not just steal you from a better life, but it can also serve your head in a platter literally.

May 19
My focus on the topic would be on the reactions from both Christian and Muslim sectors. Today I searched for more information in the internet regarding the beheading of the Abu Sayyaf hostage and every single article brought out tears. Tears that symbolize empathy with the family members who had no choice but to accept their loved one’s fate.

I learned that life is so fragile. It can be taken in a snap. When I was younger, I never really accepted that kidnappings, murder or other criminal acts can happen in the community I live in. I only look at them as possibilities but I never really pictured them as a real case. But working on this story made a huge impact in my perspective about life, social norms and reality.

After research, I went to school to ask friends for possible people to contact for the story. I was then advised to interview a Muslim convener from Interreligious Solidarity Movement for Peace who was a professor in WMSU.

I came to WMSU not knowing where to look for the person and so I inquired a familiar person in the library and was forwarded to the College of Liberal Arts building and after two or three inquiries was forwarded to the Department of Student Affairs and was later informed that he was no longer affiliated with the school and has retired.

But I still got his contact number pasted outside the door of an office in the Executive building.

I realized yet again that information gathering is no easy task.

May 21
I went to the Cathedral to set an interview with the Archbishop but the information officer told me they don’t have a hold on him and directed me to the Sacred Heart Center at Cawa Cawa.

I went to the Center and was informed that the Archbishop is out of town and will be back on a Saturday.

Desperate to interview a representative for the Christian community, I went back to the Cathedral and inquired if a priest was available. The information officer made me wait for a while before relaying the unfortunate news that there is no one I can talk to.

I then asked a friend where else can I find people in authority in under this religion and was advised to go to the Pastoral Council. I inquired the information officer where it is located and immediately went to the office that apparently was closer to my home than where I inquired about it.

When I went in, there was a group of people who I assumed toured around the place with all their amazed faces and picture taking. That is why it took a while before I was entertained by the people in the front desk.

When I was finally paid attention to, the nun who graced an interview was actually more than uncooperative. She declined to answer any of my questions, even her name was kept hidden. She must have thought I would publish her and say that she did not want to say anything. She said she does not want to comment at this point in time. I wonder why.

I left the place with nothing but disappointment.

I then went to PAZ to confirm the number of the Muslim convener from Ate Weds. She then gave it to me informing that he was in Davao at that time. I texted him and made a phone interview appointment.

I am still confused why the nun does not want to say anything about the issue. And I am also surprised to know that priests are hard to find even in the house of God.

I learned that you can never be too sure about things, especially with the way people react to interviews on social matters.

May 22
I went to the City Police Office today to confirm facts I gathered online and interviewed the City Police Director. It was my first time to go to the Office and so I still had to look for the place. After waiting in line with a long list of people wanting to see the Director, I finally got my chance and interviewed him.

After the long stay at the police station, I went to school and called the Muslim convener and conducted an interview.

After lunch, I went to PAZ and looked for Sr. Emma to have my most awaited interview for the Christian sector. She was then out of the office and I was advised to come back after an hour or so.

When I went back, she was extremely busy and asked me to be back after five minutes so that she can settle. After two hours and three failed attempts, she finally gave me the opportunity.

The interview lasted not more than 10 minutes.

My trip to the police station was good for a first time. And my wait for Sr. Emma was paid off with information for representation to the Christian sector.

I learned through the interviews today that kidnapping in Zamboanga and Basilan should never be looked upon as a religiously biased matter. It is not an issue of conflict in faith, but a criminal act immoral to all religion.

Santiago: Week #3 at Fleishman-Hillard

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

My third week in Fleishman was quite busy. I was still tasked to do the daily newspaper monitoring/scanning and looking for any online news, article, or advertisement regarding their clients (Avaya, Etihad, Gardasil) and any article regarding the poll automation and Sen. Angara bill.

Just like last two weeks I was asked to do weekly and daily reports for Avaya. This includes researching, looking for links and documenting the things that we have monitored in the newspapers.

Last week I was asked to call bunch of people. I was asked to look for the contact person for T.V personalities like Kc Concepcion, Edu Manzano, Derek Ramsay, and etc. We were requested to find out who is available for hosting for an event this coming June for one of our clients. We were tasked to find out the talent fees of the above mentioned names.

I was absent last Wednesday because I was sick, I had flu and so I wasn’t able to go to work. When I came back on Thursday we were called for a meeting and were tasked again to call and confirm things with people. We were also asked to do advertorial layouts for selected magazines and newspapers. The clients want a tangible sample for the advertorials.

We were also asked to write an article about Avaya. A news article was given to us and we were asked to find an angle in the astory and localized it here in the Phulippines.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.
At first I was scared and hesitant to talk to people, to talk to people with names in the Media profession, but now I can say that I have overcome that fear and I can confidently talk to people even just on the phone.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.
The whole duration of my stay in Fleishman was worth my time; I really had fun and learned a lot. I will surely not forget this once in a lifetime experience. Aside from the facet that this is my first real job, I really have this passion for PR and so I’m considering a career in PR after graduation.

Today is my last day here in Fleishman, my Supervisor is out for an event but he left me things to do for the day. Hopefully I will come back here before leaving for Zamboanga.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Madrigalejo: Week #4 at Manila Times

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

1.) During the beginning of the week, the reporter who covered the Department of Tourism was sick so he could not monitor the latest updates on the said government agency. Since only Rianne and I were the trainees present during that time, and I think Rianne is also working on another story, so I was tasked to get the information for the mean time. Sir Klink tasked me to coordinate with Ms. Likha (she is one of the senior reporters in the business department) because he wants to know how the swine flu pandemic has affected the business scene, particularly the Philippine tourism.

Immediately after securing the complete instructions from Sir Klink and Ms. Likha, I grabbed the phone directory and called the Department of Tourism. I talked to an employee and she told me that the officer-in-charge is currently on a meeting and that I could just call her back at 4:00pm. I called again and I was able to talk to the OIC, and she said that they still do not have the specific figures regarding the number of arriving tourists since the breakout of the AH1N1 virus. According to her, their last records wee still of December 2008. I told this update to Ms. Likha and she said that I could just contact NAIA and inquire about their precautionary measures. She said that I am to write a paragraph or two about it. This would be used as a support for another story.

So I looked up the number of the NAIA in the internet, and eventually go to talk to the Chief of Airport Security, Capt. Tom Cruz. He discussed how they are working hand in hand with the Department of Health and what equipments (such as the thermal scanner and the foot bath) have been put up at the airport to ensure that the no arriving passengers infected with swine flu could get in the country and spread the virus. After getting all the information that I needed, I began writing the story and sent it to Ms. Likha’s email.

2.) About 2 days ago, I have already submitted my article about the flu protection gears—masks and gloves. Since it has not yet come out, I decided to approach Sir Klink (when he was not busy) and asked if he received the article. He told me that he did, then I asked if there was anything more lacking in the story that I wrote and if I could do something about it, that is, if it isn’t too late yet. He said he felt that the lead was not that catchy, and that I could work on it at the moment. Since he was not busy, he explained further how he wants the story to come out and how I can improve my writing. He told me to work on it immediately so I did. I typed the story again, adding few more details that Sir Klink wants to see. When I submitted it, Sir Klink told me that a story from the wires just came in and that he was thinking of using it instead. Personally, it was just ok with me because when I read the story from AFP, it was really more in depth and the supporting claims from the World Health Organization would provide all the information that the readers need to know.

3. Since Rianne is already done with her 150-hour internship, the proof reading section usually has no interns to help them up in case the other proof readers are on day off. It was only during this week that I was given a chance to try and proofread some stories. The lifestyle section and the sports section were the ones assigned to me. It was a good feeling, in a way, to get to read the stories written by others before they actually get published.

I have read the style book of the Manila Times during the course of our training so I was a bit familiar with how the writers must write, the grammar rules they follow, among others. I only had a little difficulty because I am not quite familiar with the signs used when correcting something in a story. I really have not memorized everything yet but I do remember asking Rianne about the basics when she was still around.

4. Most of the time during my last week, I just stayed in the office so I took the opportunity to follow up my story about the Dynamic Teen Company. I talked to Ma’am Chit and Sir Rome. I asked them if they have already received my story and if they have already read it. They both told me that due to the countless number of articles that they receive everyday, they do not have track of everything and they haven’t seem to see my story.

They asked me to send the story again, so I did, for the 5th time already. I asked them after I sent the copies of the story out, hoping that they would get to read it this time. Thankfully, Ma’am Chit was not busy so she spent time reading it. Next thing I know, it was lined up for the Filipino Champions’ page.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.
*Be assertive, but don’t be irritating. You wouldn’t get what you want just by waiting. It is necessary that you do steps to achieve your goal. Just like what a famous writer once said, dreams not accompanied by action plans are mere ideas that would never com to life. If I just assumed that they have read my story and that they will soon publish it, I would probably just leave my story somewhere in the trash bins of their email accounts. But because I wanted it to come out, I asserted for it (nicely) thereby allowing my story to see the light of the day. Before asking for anything though, as a standard operating procedure, ask the person concerned first if he or she is not busy before stating your business. Insisting your concern to a very busy person who is cramming to meet the deadline is just, well, downright irritating.

*Mistakes are normal. Just like in writing a story, even the senior reporters sometimes commit grammatical errors but that does not make them any less of a good writer. It is but human to commit errors and what matters is how you respond to it by doing the necessary corrections and aiming not to commit the same mistake again.

*Patience is a skill. It does pay to wait, and learning it does not really take much but it pays much. 

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.
On my last visit to the office, I sat down and waited for Miss Weng to arrive. While I was waiting, I grabbed a copy of the Manila Times for that day (May 10, 2009) and found out that my DTC story has already come out. It was such a happy moment. My last day couldn’t get any better. =)

Ampong: Week #4 at Manila Times

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

During the last week of my internship, the only issue that was compelling that time was the arrest of Mr. Jun Lozada in the case perjury filed by Mr. Mike Defensor. He was jailed at the Manila Police District West, where my boss’ headquarters is located. So for most of the week, we stayed there waiting for any development in Mr. Lozada’s Case. I took photos of militants outside MPD rallying to free Mr. Lozada.

I also had the chance to cover the rallies in Ayala Avenue Makati City, in the militant’s cause to raise their minimum wages. There were quite a number of rallies during the week approaching Labor Day. I learned to sneak my way into hordes of huge cameras with all its lenses that could size as half of my head. And I must say that I also got or received a number scary looks of photographer’s from other publications and for most of the time I get away with by “sorry po” and a nervous smile all at the same time.

When I completed my number of hours required, I felt that I still have so many things to learn from the field and from the people that I am with. Albeit the fact that Mr. Rene H. Dilan ( Manila Times’ chief photographer), Mr. Greg San Agustin ( the driver), Mr. Bobby Ranoco (from the Reuters) are in different generation or age group, we get along really well. And it seems that everyday is a whole new day of great experiences and lessons learnt.

I also had the chance to cover the drill of Manila Police for the Labor Day at Luneta. I wasn’t as enthusiastic that day though because I had allergic attack and a spitting dysmenorrheal.

The day after Pacquiao and Hatton’s fight, we went to Divisoria to cover a raid by the police on copies of the recently concluded Battle of the East and West fight.

Days after the Pacquiao Hatton fight, Sir KJ, one of Manial Times’ photographer let me go with him in covering Mr. Pacquiao’s arrival in the country. That was the first dawn shoot I had, it was kind of difficult for me because I had to wake up 2 in the morning to get ready by 3. we arrive in NAIA 2 by 5 o’clock. There were members of the Media both from local and international press. While we were waiting, in front of me was an English correspondent, there photographers form Xinghua a wires service based in China, Reuters (Sir Bobby), AP and EPA were some of the international press to cover the said event.

My last weeks were mostly composed of a two consecutive days of coverage at the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine and a coverage on DOH’s Updates on the Influenza A (A1H1) virus. Unlike Senate, I did not find it boring. I even think that there’s more action there. That both agencies are doing their job and at the same time I get to educate myself on what is the real score of the world’s currently dealt with pandemic. Secretary Duque III, is I think ob=ne of the most functional secretaries in PGMA’s Cabinet.

My last day in the field was the coverage of the Pahiyas Festival. That was again another day that started very early. We left Manila at around 3:30 in the morning, we reached Lucban, Quezon Province around 7:30 in the morning. That was a good 3 hour car ride, we had breakfast and then went to the town proper to take pictures of the many different and very beautifully made decorations inspired by good harvest. Near the town’s church was a antique shop and the design was so beautiful that Sir Rene and I stayed there for more than an hour because he can not seem to take the perfect shot due to the growing number of people who flocked and stayed there each minute. There were really amazing designs made of palay and vegetables to encourage good harvest. I also had the chance to taste the very popular Lucban longganisa which was very different from our longganize here. we had lunch and then had a couple of stop-overs because Rouelle Umali from the Manila Bulletin (the only guy there in his 20s) had to email the photos to his office. We left at around 1 in the afternoon and arrived in Manila by 4:30. It was a very eventful day to leave my internship and go back to continue my journey as a student trying to find her niche in a world of endless possibilities and very tight chances.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.

The skills I’ve learnt were the same as the ones that I’ve learnt for the past weeks, only this time waking up really early was among them and trying to stay awake at 4 in the morning while standing and not of cup of coffee to support me and waiting for the people’s champ tops it all.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.

Honestly, I find the rallies boring sometimes and even to the point that I think it is pointless albeit that I still get to learn something from them, form what they do. Like, in one of the rallies that I covered I caught myself thinking, “This is what they’re fighting for, this is what they stand for, what am I doing here? What exactly am I here for?” Those were the instances that I felt inadequate in terms of compelling social issues and understanding on how different Filipinos are especially from that part of the country and from my part of the country.

I feel that I surpassed my goals.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Reyes: Week 3 at Fame, Inc.

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.
DAY 13 – I did transcribing the whole day. It was a bit boring and a bit fun. It was frustrating sometimes, not understanding some words and phrases.

DAY 14 – Ezetimibe, simvastatin, hypercholesterolemia. These are just some of the many words that I do not understand and were able to thanks to the internet. Yes, it takes research to know some of these words. Luckily, I have a bunch of fun co-workers who can’t stand the deafening noise of silence. With the team I am with, transcribing is never that boring. It’s just not much of a fun also, especially with all those medical terms in every sentence. I did transcribing for the whole day.

DAY 15 – Today is sadly the last day of my fellow intern, Edrick. He started two weeks earlier than I did. As usual, we were transcribing what I feel are alienated messages. Every twenty minutes or so, we would stop, talk and have a few laughs to keep our sanity. And then, we’re back to transcribing again. I’m guessing there are about a hundred or more words I labeled as BLAH. I try so hard to understand them, repeated them until I’m tired of not understanding them at all. I didn’t want to guess the words or phrases so I temporarily labeled them as BLAH. I’d get back to them later when I’m finally done with it all. We are to transcribe four tapes! We were transcribing for almost the whole day. I only stopped when one of my co-workers asked me for help on filing. Happily, I helped on filing. But, I still ended my day transcribing.

DAY 16 – I came early as always. I’m guessing you know what I did. I did transcribing. Ms. Lucci isn’t around because she was on the on set of our upcoming magazine, Hannah Montana. This was the magazine I modeled at. I saw the mock up and it was awesome. Anyway, I was transcribing, transcribing and transcribing. It feels different not having Edrick around, my fellow transcriber. This is, by the way, the last day of our managing editor. She’s getting married. She would be resigning and Ms. Lucci would replace her. On our lunch out, the owner of our company told us that we would be having a lunch meeting. Lunch came and we were surprised to find out that it was a treat for our managing editor since she refused to have a despedida party. It was not a meeting at all, it was plain eating out filled with laughter. I actually brought a pen and paper just in case I had to jot down notes. Anyway, I ended my day transcribing.

DAY 17 – Transcribing once again. I must admit, there are times when all I want to do is throw the tape. I’ve been listening to the speakers for how many days now, trying to understand his words. I’m starting to think he’s been speaking a different language at times. But obviously, I’m just being lazy. Suddenly, my co-workers were taking out stuff toys from their bags. Bright colored, cutie stuff toys are placed on the table and so I stopped transcribing. I asked them what the stuff toys are for, and they said it’s for the cover shoot of H&L today. Ms. Lucci came and later talked us on the concept of the said cover shoot. It was way cool. Our photoshoot would start this afternoon, 1PM. Afternoon came and we’ve began preparing for the shoot. I have helped into transforming our conference room into a studio. Photoshoots really keep us alive. Not only are we having big smiley faces as the camera spots us, it’s a time to be our goofy selves minus the feeling of working. One of my co-workers is doing the makeup for our model, who is also our co-worker. We were placing all the stuff toys in the box and placed a kite made by my two co-workers as said in the plan. I wish I could help in making the kite but since kite-making wasn’t included in my childhood, all I did was watch and hand them the scissors. There were lots of jokes while working, or should I say, while having fun. And then, when we were done preparing and when the model was ready, we have started our photoshoot. It was all right. The model’s register on the camera is okay, cute actually. And then, in the middle of the shoot, Ms. Lucci suggested that we have our staff shoot after. Of course, being the camera lovers that we are, we agreed. Good thing Edrick, my fellow intern, is on his way to visit us. He would be joining us then. The cover shoot was done in no time. We’e decided to fix the mess after the staff shoot. We’ve decided to go back to our department because the owner of FAME, Inc. is still on a meeting and he would be joining us in the staff shoot. So we went back to our own desks. Ms. Lucci asked me to research health facts, about 20 interesting ones to be included in one of our magazines. And so I did. It was cool. By the way, I keep saying cool because one of my co-workers say this word for countless times everyday and it’s actually contagious. It was really nice to stop transcribing for a while. I find researching health tips really educating. I chose about 30 tips that I find attention-grabbing so that Ms. Lucci could delete the ones she dislikes. I saved it on the desktop. Finally, Doc (how we always call the owner of FAME), was done with his meeting. Staff shoot time was finally coming up. With our love for the camera and being smiling goofs, we undeniably had fun. Doc was actually having fun, too. We were switching places, smiling, smiling and more smiling was done. And then it was over. But there were solo shots done just for the fun of placing it on each other’s facebook. And then, we ended our day with a meeting headed by Ms. Lucci. Our meeting wasn’t the kind of meeting I used to see in the movies – boring. Our meeting was participative, very noisy actually; yet, it was productive. They were discussing the things to o because deadline is very fast approaching and they cannot afford to be late.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.
Patience, more patience, and determination. These are the skills I had at hand to survive transcribing. I am proud to say I am a constant early bird. Sometimes I arrive way too early; I end up waiting for someone to open the office. Experience is indeed the best teacher. I learn a lot as I have fun. I have not been writing for the past few days but I’m proud to say that two of my articles will be published. (Yipee!) I’m working hard on my undesirable number one habit: procrastination. I’ve been self-motivated, really. I see to it that I work well in a team or independently. I am determined in whatever I do. Not only that, I’m having a superb experience with the people I am working with. I feel I am a great company of everyone. My people skills are up. I think, and really hope, that I’ve made a good impression that would last even as I leave.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.
It feels sad knowing I only have two more days left. I want to stay longer! Anyway, I’ve given more than the required hours and I’m still planning to visit them while I’m here. Did I mention that we have an allowance? A hundred fifty a day! I feel so blessed. I guess it would be okay to join them in their gimmicks after not being an intern anymore, soon. Tomorrow would be my last day. My last report would be on today and tomorrow. They are planning to do a general cleaning this Saturday and I’m thinking on joining them. All in all, I think I have the coolest on-the-job training, ever!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

De Leon: Week 5 at Peace Works

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

May 11, 2009
Since I failed to submit two articles last week, I have to write two articles this week. Four options were given to me. First is the Buddha Day celebration of Tzu Chi Zamboanga. The other is the opening ceremony of the Youth Peace Camp in San Ramon. Third is a feature about the veiling (turong, hijab) practices of young Muslims in Zamboanga if the story on women crisis is not possible.

What I did first is to contact DSWD once again to follow up if I can cover the story on domestic violence against mothers. However, there were no positive responses so I decided to take the other options. Luckily, when I opened my e-mail, Dr. Lim, the local coordinator of Tzu Chi Zamboanga, sent me a full archive of the Buddha Day Celebration photos. When I asked him if we could meet for some background information about the event, he willingly granted the interview on Thursday afternoon.

At around four in the afternoon, I dropped by the office of PAZ to talk Ma’am Arweda. When I arrived their, the YSP who are part of the facilitating team were having their meeting with Aldrin and so I had the chance to get an overview on how the camp will proceed. Then, I asked several questions to ma’am Arweda and Aldrin as well. That day, I already had sufficient information as background for the event. I was very glad because Ma’am Arweda offered me to go with the transportation of the participants on the way to San Ramon.

May 13, 2009
As scheduled, I went to the solidarity center before twelve noon. I met some participants and talked with some facilitators and mediators. We went at around 1:30 PM. I was very excited because it was my first time to go to San Ramon. I was brining with me a copy of the matrix of activities that Aldrin sent through my e-mail. Then, when I arrived there, he promised that he’d give me a copy of the opening program. So, I got my copy, took some photos, talked with some participants and I was jut observing. The guests arrived at past three, so the program started late.

I witnessed the entire opening ceremony and recorded Mr. Kenoh’s speech while I was also taking some pictures. Then, we went back to PAZ office down five PM, I was together with some PAZ staff members.

That evening, I organized my information and wrote the story. Afterwards, I took a look at all the pictures during the Buddha Day and thought of the questions that I’ll be asking the following day.

May 14, 2009
Dr. Lim and I agreed to have the interview at two in the afternoon at the Eye Center. So, I went there and it al ran smoothly. It was just like a casual conversation, he gave me some papers that would further explain the ceremony. Then, we watched the video of master Cheng Yen from Taiwan, which was also shown in all Buddha Bathing ceremonies held around the globe. Then, I went out and have some casual talks with other nurses and volunteers who were there and I already met in the earlier interview that I had. That night, I started to write the story.

May 15, 2009
I read the two stories that I wrote and had some revisions. Then, I sent the file to my editor. There were so many photos for both stories and I was so confused on which ones to use. So, I viewed all the photos and picked five photos for each story.

May 16, 2009
I realized that I didn’t write captions for my photos and we were supposed to send the photos with captions to our editor. So, I wrote the captions for the three final photos for each story and then sent them to my editor. Then, at three in the afternoon, we had our weekly consultation yet we had nothing much to talk about. So, we started uploading the stories and the photos and went home early.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.
* The previous weeks, I noticed that whenever I conduct interviews, I do not immediately write the story. What I usually do is to write the information, arrange them, conceptualize the flow of the story then do the writing the following days. But this week, I was able to write the story at the same that I gathered the information that I needed. Maybe, it helped me a lot to understand the story and know immediately which information to use while doing the information selection because I felt at ease with the environment. It was my second time to talk to Dr. Lim and I was already comfortable asking him questions and talking with the people in the center as well as in the youth peace camp because I already know the people working in PAZ. Well, maybe this is one benefit of having a network of connections. You work easier when you are comfortable with what you are doing. And that is one thing that I experienced this week.

* In terms of writing, I learn a lot from how Sir Rey does the editing of our stories. The choice of words, arrangement of words and how to put emphasis on some points. Although, this cannot be learned easily because this is only learned through practice. Yet, I learn many things especially on the writing style from Sir Rey.

* Headline writing. We never learned this inside the class. Also, our editor did not teach us how to do headline writing. However, after completing seven stories and seeing thhe headlines and how our editor writes it on front of us, I somehow got an idea on how this is done. We ask him how he was able to come up with the right words and all and gave us some tips. Although, I cannot say that I am already capable of writing good headlines.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.
I personally feel happy and contented this week for completing two stories assignments. Last week was really a bad week. And so I felt that at least I made up for my shortcomings this week.

It was actually my first time to go to San Ramon. And so the feeling of excitement was really present while the bus was heading to the campsite. There were no serious problems encountered this week. And I think that it was easier for me because the topics assigned were ones, which I am already acquainted with. Like in the Tzu Chi foundation, I have already established a good connection with people inside as well as in the PAZ office.

Basically, everything ran smoothly and right now I don’t think that doing this job is some kind of a burden, which was what I was sometimes feeling the previous weeks. Maybe, I have already adjusted little and I’m already starting to enjoy what I am doing. J

Querubin: Week 5 at PeaceWorks

May 11
Today I went to the Department of Science and Technology Office to interview Mr. Martin Wee regarding the mitigating measures implemented by the Office about Climate Change. I was also able to collect information regarding the plans on centralizing the measures conducted by various agencies under the Agri-Industrial Development Committee (AID Com). He also advised me to contact Ms Susan Valerio from the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) Region IX, AID COM secretary regarding the AID Com meeting of centralizing the mitigating measures.

I also went to the NEDA Office to interview Miss Grace Carreon regarding the monitoring of the office on the Millennium Development Goals. Unfortunately Miss Carreon told me that she did not bring the copy of the Report, she also implied a tone that entails she could not supply the information I need. Nonetheless, I thanked her and went on my way to school and asked for contact numbers from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

I realized that you can never be picky when it comes to information sources. You must take all the chances you can get even when they seem difficult to you. I am saying this because after the confusing role of NEDA about two of my assigned stories, the office still ends up as the very source of information for my article.

Somehow I feel more productive than last week but I have a long way to go with the assigned articles for this week.

May 12
I spent the day researching about the USAID installation of computers at the Western Mindanao State University.

I made a number of calls to DENR Pagadian Office however all I get are either error or busy tones. I resorted to acquiring the number of the City Environment Office. When I called, the person on the other line said that the people in charge are out of town and she could not cater to my needs. I also called Miss Valerio from NEDA Pagadian and requested a copy of the meeting’s minutes. However she told me that the copy is in the Zamboanga Office and forwarded me to a certain Elvie. However, when I called to NEDA Zamboanga, Elvie is on her way to Pagadian.

I also went to WMSU to interview acting President Miss Ho for the USAID story, however she was out of the office and I was asked to return the next day.

I learned yet again that is very difficult to interview people from government offices.

May 13
Today I went back to WMSU to conduct the interview but then again, Miss Ho was in a meeting with the Deans of the Colleges. I was advised by the people in the front desk to interview Mr. Potenciano for the matter and when I went to his office, the secretary informed that he was in a meeting apparently with Miss Ho. I was able to find the Language Resource Center but sadly the office was closed.

I went back to the Executive Building hoping that the meeting was over but it seemed to be a very long meeting. I decided to wait but after some time, the people in the waiting room told me to just come back because the meeting won’t end anytime soon.

Disappointed and gravely feeling unproductive, I conducted another phone brigade. I tried to contact DENR Pagadian and City Environment but there is no response to my call. I also called Miss Carreon trying to change my luck regarding the MDG story. I had a phone interview with her but was cut short because she was leaving the office.

I still feel that my two earlier assigned articles are short in information and are not sure on how to pursue in writing them.

Today I learned the essence of time for the nth time in my life.

May 14
I went back to WMSU for the interview with Miss Ho but her secretary told me she was out and asked me to come back. I then went to the Language Resource Center and asked regarding the article. The director’s husband forwarded me to the Research building where I was able to interview the technical coordinator and take pictures of the lab where the computers were installed. The program coordinator was also there and an interview was done.

After the interview I went back to Miss Ho’s office and her secretary asked me to go back in the afternoon because the President had a visitor. Feeling discouraged, I went home and was back in the afternoon. Not taken by surprise, the President was then again out and I was asked to go back at 3pm.

Going back to the Language Resource Center came to my mind in case I can get additional information from the director this time around. When I entered the room she was hurriedly going out informing me that the Advisor for the Project from USAID is there outside waiting for her. I then took the opportunity and went with her. The Advisor told me that he will first attend to the meeting with the director and will come back to meet me afterwards. I was then asked to wait at the Language Resource Center. I did as I was told and have been waiting for a whole one and a half hour. It was three o’clock and so I decided to go back to the President’s office and alas she was in a meeting, again.

I went back to the Center only to see the director already tutoring the foreign student I was waiting with earlier. She told me that the Advisor was very busy and could not give the interview anymore. I thanked her and went home.

I feel disappointed not being able to interview the President. The interview could have been helpful because she was the one with the information regarding the opening ceremony to be held in Marawi.

I also felt twice as disappointed with the could-have-been interview with the foreign Advisor from USAID.

I realized yet again that gathering information is not an easy task and should be taken seriously.

Lim: Week 5 at PeaceWorks

An unproductive week. That’s how my fifth OJT week ended.

As I continued pursuing my unaccomplished article of last week, my new assigned article for the week gave me a hard time too.

My interviewee on my last week’s article still gave me a hard time. I kept calling their office every day. It was on a daily basis that I ask for their time to have a short interview with me and it was on a daily basis that they postpone their appointment with me. I even tried asking for their email address to at least gather information from them via email still, they wouldn’t give me. The information gathering with them ended up in a phone interview wherein very few information were given. Accordingly, they run out of brochures which my interviewee as her basis and just completely read through the phone. Then Sir Rey told me to replace that article with something that has to do with the Department of Tourism (DOT). Right after I received the message, I called the DOT which unfortunately told me to call the up again next week because their boss are out of town. Worst came to worst.

My article for the week had me struggling for plant and flower vendors all over Plaza Pershing. I asked almost everybody in that area and accordingly, they no longer exist in there. The soonest I f0ound out about this, I informed Sir Rey who gave me the association to contact regarding my article. I called the number he gave me but unfortunately it wasn’t working. So I searched for other means to contact the association and thank God, I got their new contact number. I was able to talk to them and they told me that their vendors are currently located at Caragasan. I was then ready to go at that place that very moment but they told me to go on a Sunday because they need to inform their vendors, etc.

Sunday!! Oh no.. Article’s due on Thursday.

Thursday passed ad I didn’t submit my article. When Sunday came, I had my interview with the vendor’s association president. But before I was able to find her, I asked a lot of vendors in that area who kept on telling me they didn’t know who I was looking for. During my interview, I found out that all those people I happened to ask were members of the association. Kind of weird.

Madrigalejo: Week 3 at Manila Times

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

1.) Most of the time during this week, I was at the office. Typing PR’s, monitoring wires, and looking over the articles sent in by the field reporters. Pretty much like how I did during the past week, I was at the Manila Times’ newsdesk account. If there were articles coming in, I would have a copy of it saved at the NEW DOCS folder. This is a folder shard by all the writers and editors through the network sharing. All the stories placed here are the ones to be published the next day, subject to the scrutiny of the executive editor and the respective section editors.

2.) Since I was left at the office with no assignment yet, I decided to talk to Sir Romy [in my previous entries, I have shared that Sir Romy is the News Editor]. I asked him if there was any particular story that he was interested in, and if he would want me to pursue it. I explained to him that I have already talked to Sir Klink and that he said that he had none at the top of his head yet, so I tried Sir Romy.

Sir Romy talked to Ms. Ira [Ira Karen Apanay is a senior reporter of the Manila Times]. Ms. Ira said that she is going to attend a press conference tomorrow, Sir Romy told her to let me come with her and she said yes. So it was all set, I asked for the details of the press con and I read a little about it, just in case the need arises, atleast I have a even a little background about it. The said press conference will be a forum of LGU’s and Bishops regarding the mining industry in the country. I read some articles in the internet about that.

3.) The next morning, I was on my way to TreeHouse Restaurant in Quezon City. I was lucky because the venue of the “presscon” was very near our house. It was just a tricycle ride, lucky not only for me but also for my wallet—I was already feeling the economic crisis. The frequent transpo expenses are now taking their toll on me. Anyway, I was there way ahead of time. I texted Ms. Ira and she told me that she was still on her way. So while I was there, I already talked to the desk officers and asked where the press con will be and if there are already other press people around, it was only 9:15am and apparently, I came in a little too early. Nobody was there yet, even the organizers.

A guy came in, and I smiled at him. I thought he was a press person too, but it turned out that he was one of the organizers. His name is Ronald Gregorio, he is the team leader of LRC. LRC [I instantly thought of our own LRC, the Learning Resource Center, haha] means Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center. I told him that I was a trainee of Ms. Ira, that I was an intern, and all. So he talked as well and he shared to me what the forum was all about. He gave me a background on the mining industry, and their advocacies. In the middle of our discussion, Ms. Ira texted me and told me that she won’t be coming anymore. She tasked me to interview bishops and mayors. [OKAY, that was a lot of pressure.] My tummy started gargling, I was too nervous. I was very brave and excited before because I knew that I would have a senior reporter to guide me. I felt right then, that I was on my own. And I had to get the job done.

So, since Kuya Ronald was there already, I took the opportunity to ask more questions to him. More people were coming in, but all of them are from LRC as well. It wasn’t a press con after all, it was a press briefing for the press conference on Wednesday. I was the only person there affiliated to a media outfit. I did not regret attending there though, because I learned a lot from the many people that I was able to meet. I met Father Archie [a Syrian priest who is supporting the advocacies of LRC], Ate Grace [a UP graduate who serves as the legal counsel of LRC], Kuya JP, Kuya Rovic and Rosylyn. All these people shared to me realities that I was not able to see before.

Because of this meeting, I became more excited to come to the press conference on Wednesday, not only because I want to hear them, but because I want to hear the side of the church through the bishops as well. But when I went back to the office, it turned out that I would not be able to attend the said presscon because I will be working on another assignment.

4.) Due to the heightened alert on swine flu, Sir Klink wanted me to come up with an article about prevention of flu. I asked if I was to focus on swine flu, he said no, it would just have to be ordinary, common type of flu. He asked me to contact doctors and ask for expert advice. So I worked on the story immediately looking up the internet about articles that I could use and contact details of medical institutions that I could call. The next day, I tried to contact doctors [many of which are directors of different departments at the DOH, but they all said that they were too busy as of the moment.]

So I tried to exhaust all my sources again, texting all my nursing friends who are now working in hospitals. Not one of them was able to give me a contact person. I told my dilemma to my grand mother who is an active member of our parish council, she told me that they will be having a medical mission tomorrow and I might be able to catch some doctors there. I was happy upon hearing that so I went to the venue very early next morning.

At the venue, I talked to the organizers and asked if they could help me to talk to the doctors, they said that it was ok and that I would just have to wait for the medical mission to end then maybe I could ask permission from the doctors themselves. They told me not to disturb the doctors while they are doing their work. So I waited until all of the patients were through, the mission started at around 9am and it ended at 12noon. I was already able to consume two bags of chips and a bottle of softdrink due to the long wait. After the whole thing, I was finally able to talk to the doctors. All of them said that I had to get a permit from the City Health Office. I had to write a letter asking for permission to interview a doctor. The physician in our health center said that she will be at the office up until 5pm so I still have time to secure a permit.

So I went home, prepared and went immediately to the Quezon City Hall where the Health Office is located. I asked for instructions on what I should do but they told me that the City Health officer will not be around until next week, and that the OIC will not be around until tomorrow so my letter has no chance of getting signed that same day. I tried to talk my way through but they said that there was really nothing else that they could do. I went back to the barangay health center to inform the doctor that I was not able to secure a permit and that the interview would have to be cancelled, but the workers there didn’t want me to see her. They told me that they would just be the ones to tell Dok, so I said it’s fine. My cousin who just arrived told me that she knows a doctor whom I might just want to try to talk to. We went and gladly, the doctor was ok with an interview. After that, I proceeded in doing my story and I sent it immediately to the newsdesk.

5.) The next day, when I went to the office, Sir Klink told me that he wants me to add another angle on my story. He wants me to talk about mask, gloves, and Tamiflu. These were the things mentioned by Sec. Duque on his talk about biosafety and protection against the swine flu endema. So I made a research again, this time about N95 masks and Tamiflu. I went to different drug stores (with in our community and outside as well), interviewed people, and created my story. I submitted it just before I did this report.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.

1.) I think I have developed to be more flexible. I know that in this work, I do not have the luxury of time is not with me. Time is just one of the many pressures that I had to deal with to be able to come up with stories.

2.) Researching abilities and critical thinking skills. I now have more inkling of what is news and what should be included in the story. I know that I must develop the ability to be able to decide whether an information is credible enough or whether an information would be helpful to the entirety of my story.

3.) PATIENCE. This time, I learned that I don’t always get things in my time, and in my way. I have to understand circumstances and I have to develop ability to be able to cope with them so as to not sacrifice my work.

4.) It has been planted deep within m now, more than ever, it does pay to read extensively.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.

** I hope my DTC story gets published, at least before I go.

** I will miss the office, and the people, especially Sir Klink. More than an employer, he has become a mentor to me. I always look up to him and being able to work with him even just for a short while means a lot. All the sarcasm, all the “sermons”, and all the jokes he has shared with us made the entire training educational and ultimately, bearable. The experiences I’ve had with the Times are all worth remembering.

There are much more stories to tell than the ones that get published. J

Santiago: Week 2 at Fleishman-Hillard

1. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.
From Monday to Friday, May 11-15, 2009 since my co intern already completed required the number of hours for her internship and left I was tasked to do the things that she used to do. I was tasked to do the daily newspaper monitoring/scanning and looking for any online news, article, or advertisement regarding their clients (Avaya, Etihad,) and any article regarding the poll automation and Sen. Angara bill.

Just like last week I was still tasked to do weekly and daily reports for Avaya. This includes researching, looking for links and documenting the things that we have monitored in the newspapers.

I did researching in the net regarding the tasks I was told to do. I was also asked to check the air fare rates of airlines from Manila to Bacolod and from Manila to Cebu.

My co intern and I went out for Press rounds with our supervisor, Mr. Joey Brillantes. Again We went to several newspaper publication namely, PDI, Business World Manila bulletin, Manila times, Manila Standard today, Malaya, Business Mirror and Daily tribune. We went there and gave them tokens from Avaya and Etihad (the clients of Fleishman). Unlike last week, this time we had the chance to meet some editors, like Ms. Minnie Advinchula of Malaya, Roderick Abad of Business mirror and etc.

I was asked to call the broadsheets and ask the names and email address of their current real estate editors.

I was also asked to write an article about Avaya. We were tasked to think of fresh idead and asked to come up with concepts for the upcoming event for Johnson and Johnson’s that is going to happen in mid-June

2. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.
When I went out for the press rounds the second time and when I was tasked to call the broadsheets and talk to people, it really helped me a lot to talk and deal with people over the phone or deal with them personally.

3. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.
I was absent last Thursday, I had asthma. Actually I was not absent, I managed to go to work at 8am, I did newspaper scanning/monitoring and I finished the daily and weekly report. After doing all those I felt I was going to faint and so I asked the permission from my supervisor if can take a day off because I was really not feeling well. He did allow me to go home. I went home and had a rest. The following day, Friday, I already reported and worked.

Santiago: Week 1 at Fleishman-Hillard

1. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.
From Monday to Friday, May 4-8, 2009 I was tasked to do newspaper monitoring/scanning and look for any news, article, or advertisement regarding their clients (Avaya, Etihad, Bellagio Square) and any article regarding the poll automation and Sen. Angara bill.

I was also tasked to do weekly and daily reports for Avaya. This includes researching, looking for links and documenting the things that we have monitored in the newspapers.

I did lots of researching in the net for jhonson’s and jhonson’s, guerilla ads and etc.

Last Wednesday I was asked to go to Post office and send something.

I did scanning of newspapers, statement of accounts and etc. (literal scanning)

I also did field work and went out with my supervisor, Mr. Joey Brillantes, to do press/media rounds. We went to seven newspaper publication namely, PDI, Manila bulletin, Manila times, Manila Standard today, Malaya, Business Mirror and Daily tribune. We went there and gave them something; Sir Joey calls the gifts as tokens of gratitude. =)

I was also asked to write articles regarding Bellagio Square. I have written an article about food tripping in Bellagio Square, Al Fresco dining in Bellagio Square. I also made concepts on the pre-event teaser campaign for Marionnaud, essay regarding the media rounds that we did, came up with two headlines for a radio program about etihad and rewritten an article about Etihad.

2. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.
I learned how to use the scanner, fax machine and copier. I practiced doing a movie in movie maker. I learned how to work/write/ do things under pressure. And lastly I knew how a PR company works.

3. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.
I learned many things here in Fleishman, with the media rounds alone I can truly say that working here at Fleishman is worthwhile, indeed it is a wonderful experience. And chances in working in companies like Fleishman shouldn’t be missed. I am happy with the working environment and the people that I am working with. They are good people and they I learn so many things from them, from my supervisor and my co interns. With their help I learn new things and I have easily coped up. I am still looking forward to more learning and experiences as days go by.

Barredo: Week 4 at Myx Magazine

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

If last week was the best week, then I would have to say that the last two weeks of my internship are the best-est! Ms. Zsaris was right when she said that the ‘fun and excitement’ of producing a magazine is during the last few days of the production period.

I met a lot of OPM bands during the shoot of the M&G section. In this part, a particular fan will get a chance to meet and greet his/her favorite local or foreign band. This gave me the opportunity to tag along and also have some photo ops with some of my best-likes bands like Imago and Sandwich. It felt so good to be inside a room surrounded by some well-known bands. The fun of it also is that I get to attend a concert for free and with special passes since I’m with the MYX crew!

I also worked as a runner for the cover photo shoot. It was actually cool except for the elevator trip for like a hundred times on that day. It made me feel dizzy. Though, I get to eat pizzas for free after all those hustles and bustles. However, for the second photo shoot, it was like a treat for me. I did not have loads of work to do. The staff and crew of the photographer were all present that was why I just did a little work. I felt pleased to be able to have the chance to be there, witnessing a photo shoot with my favorite band. J

I was also able to see MYX channel’s shoot for the Wer U At? segment and ate lunch with VJ Bianca and the rest. This segment also appears in the magazine that was why we also have to cover the shoot The food in the featured restaurant was good though my stomach sank when I heard that the cheapest food there would be at least 500php.

We also went to The Fort to cover a taping for a music video. Numerous media people were present and the security was so tight. But I did not do much since Ms. Klara will be the only one to take charge of the event.

I also experienced difficult tasks this week. One of them was to search for lyrics for more than a dozen of songs! I had to check every word in each song lyrics. It would not be that difficult I do not have someone to share the Mac. The art director was also working on the layout in the same computer. So the only time I would be able to work was when he takes a break. And another thing, I only had 7 hours to do it since the deadline would be the next day! They had to submit the lyrics to the chord picker. Talk about pressure… But don’t get me wrong. I actually enjoyed it since I love the songs that will be featured in this issue. I get to know the songs first hand.

Another hard task was transcribing an interview. It was so difficult because I had some problems with my hearing. Nonetheless, I was able to do it.

I also took charge of the portfolio of the magazine’s new issue. I helped in checking the content and pictures that will be used. Speaking of pictures, if before I choose pictures from the pc, this time I had to choose from hardcopy pictures and scan them.

I was also the one who wrote leads for the MYX News section of the MYX Mag. I always keep in mind the things I have learned during the Basic and Advanced Journalism classes like weigh the most important news element for the news lead.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.

I encountered new things during this part of my internship. Some were about the magazine pagination and portfolio. Since the magazine will be having two covers per issue (which started last month), it would be very helpful to have this pagination. Though, accordingly, they already use this way back. The pagination comes handy for identifying the location of a specific article or ad in the magazine. After the art director finishes a page layout, they print it out and place it in the portfolio for further checking by the editorial assistant.

But apart from the technicalities of magazine production, I have gained several insights from the staff themselves. There comes a time when everybody seems to be so exhausted and is not in the mood. One should be sensitive enough to understand each other. There are times to joke around and times to get serious. However, the thing that I value the most is that aside from treating them as co-workers and conform to certain limitations, above anything else, I know that I have found a friend in them. When things get so tough, we would play the guitar and have a short jamming session. We sing, we laugh, we joke around. There are moments when the people don’t talk to each other and I am amazed by how they respect each others silence.

Producing a magazine is indeed a tough job especially in MYX Mag since they have two covers. People may get pissed off with each other, or refuse to agree with a particular matter. There are times when you run out of budget and work so late in the evening. But, everything comes off with the output. Every time an issue gets published, all the hard works, overtimes, pressures, and the like seem to appear at the back of the staff’s heads. It all pays off.

As for me, I could say that this internship is sulit. It was like a complete package deal. I have learned things to aid me with my studies, met people that would be of help for my future career in this field, and most especially, gained insights that would improve my self.

I just can’t wait to see the output of my OJT with MYX Mag.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.

During my OJT with MYX Mag, I also helped with other publications like Maxim, Weddings, and Chalk.

I extended my OJT for two days so that I could still attend the shoots for the second cover and for the MYX Space section.

If not because of Ms. Zsaris, I would not be able to experience radio tours and live chats with popular artists. I owe to her almost half of the opportunities I’ve had during my internship period.

And most importantly, I learned a lot of things and I had FUN. J

Reyes: Week 2 at FAME, Inc.

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

DAY 8 - Today is our scheduled covershoot with Ara Mina. Since my supervisor has a scheduled interview with somebody else at 12NN, she asked me and my fellow intern to go ahead at the said location. I was assigned to keep the money that we have at hand, print a few contracts and to bring a box of shoes. Before going to the said location, she asked us to pass by a mall to buy orchids for Ara Mina’s hair. We did so and went to find a taxi after. We came there early. The hair stylist, stylist and make-up artist was already there. Ara Mina is expected to arrive at 3PM. They were discussing the different outfits that she would be wearing and how her hair and make-up should be done at each. After a while, Ara Mina arrived and asked for coffee. I bought one downstairs and gave it to her. I basically served as an assistant to everyone. I was the one in charge of the budget that is why I make sure I get receipts. For our taxi fares, I make sure I get the taxi company name, telephone number and plate number. I was also the one who took their orders for dinner, paid the stylists and make-up artist. At the end of our covershoot, we cleaned up and went home.

DAY 9 – I was asked to return to the studio with my fellow intern to pay them. And then, we were asked to proceed to the mall to check out mineral make-ups for a Zen Health article. When we got back, I was asked to do a Hair Tips article while my fellow intern did the mineral make-ups research. I wrote for the remaining afternoon.

DAY 10 – I was asked to accompany Ms. Deana for an event. We were to meet up at the Mall of Asia where the said event is going to be. I took a cab and took note of the plate and telephone number of the taxi company. The event of Kultura Filipino was quite formal. I was there to took pictures and to socialize. I took pictures and ate with Ms. Deana. And then, we went back to the office. I continued and finished my Hair Tips article. After that, my fellow intern and I were asked to pick up photos of Ms. Cory Quirino.

DAY 11 – A coverage on cervical cancer was scheduled today. I was asked to be the one to accompany Ms. NiƱa. Again, I brought the camera and took some pictures. There was a bunch of people from the media. We ate together and listened, jotted down some notes of the said talk. After that, we went back to our office and were asked to transcribe too many tapes.

DAY 12 – My fellow intern and I continued to transcribe. It was not an easy task because there were a lot of medical terms I could barely understand. And I really have a long way to go because we were given four tapes.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.

Patience is indeed a virtue. Transcribing needs lots of patience because there will always be words, phrases and even sentences I could not barely hear and understand. I also learned to have a sharp memory on trying to remember taking receipts and plate numbers on our coverage and events. I could say I’ve improved on my writing skills because I was able to write a good story, which will be published. I have improved with my people skills because I have dealt with different kinds of people in different events. I have learned a lot. It feels good to see how events and coverage are in the real world. I have also learned a lot in the photoshoot. I’ve been courteous to everyone and I treat them all with a great deal of respect. I’m very punctual. I have been more attentive into meeting people’s needs.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.

I’m having a blast. (=

Querubin: Week 4 at PeaceWorks

May 4
Today I got Sir Rey’s mail at almost four in the afternoon already. I was tasked to write two articles. His mail goes:

1. Millennium Development Goals (United Nations) - interview and gather data from the National Economic and Development Authority regional office (Veterans Avenue, near office of DOLE-9) – status in terms of accomplishments of the different Devt. Goals in Western Mindanao region; background on what MDG is; what problems are encountered in pursuit of the goals?

2. Climate change/anti-global warming measures being taken by government agencies, NGOs in Western Mindanao – interview Nazrullah Manzur, director of Dept. of Trade and Industry regional office (Gov. Ramos Avenue) – he is chairman of the Regional Development Council’s special committee on climate change, which is tasked to study and recommend measures for local implementation. Basically, what has the committee done/recommended regarding climate change, what are its plans.

Since I barely have an hour and a half before offices close, I decided to set interviews tomorrow and make use of the time searching for information regarding the topics assigned to me.

I googled and gathered an overview of the matter. However, none of which provided me with information essential for use in the articles. There where no information on the regional level online.

I did not feel productive today but at least I get to have an idea of what my topics are although all are in vague forms. I also proved today that Google or the internet answers a lot of questions but not everything.

May 5
I’m supposed to conduct interviews today but none happened because my dad got admitted in the hospital. I went with him for a supposed check up but the doctor said he needs to confine and so he did and I stayed with him overnight.

May 6
I went to the NEDA office today and inquired about the MDG status report for Region IX, to my disappointment one of the employees who entertained me informed that the division heading the MDG has already transferred to Pagadian and only a few employees of the office are left here in Zamboanga. I was caught off guard and dismayed and so I asked for people including her whom I can turn to regarding the matter. She then explained that they work by division and she is not credible to speak of the matter because she is from another division.

I came into a split second thought of going to Pagadian (that is a crazy thing to do at that moment by the way) just for the article but before deeper thought seeped in, the kind employee shed a light in my dark day as she informed that office employees will have a meeting on Monday and that the head of the MDG Division will be coming to Zamboanga for it.

With this, I told my boss about the matter and he agreed to move the article for next week.

I did not feel good knowing that I will not be able to accomplish the article this week but to be honest I feel it was better off that way because I have to go the hospital and watch over my dad.

At the end of the day I learned that it is not always as simple as getting your assignment, conducting an interview and writing your article then you’re done with work. In times like this, hindrances and complications are waiting at the window. And so I have to be prepared.

May 7
Today I resume my work on the article about climate change. I went to the office of Dir. Manzur (DTI). The guard told me that he is in Manila and will be back on the 15th but will report on the 18th. I told him about my purpose for being there and he seemed puzzled with the thought that there was a special committee on climate change. This was also mutual with the reaction of the Officer in Charge (OIC) I was forwarded to see regarding the matter.

The OIC then made a kind gesture and texted the Director regarding my query and fortunately Dir. Manzur replied with a call. He then, unfortunately informed that he is unaware of the existence of such committee which made me feel awkward for a moment. But then I recomposed myself and thanked them for the time and went out as gracefully fast as I can.

Next stop is DOST. I went to ask regarding the mitigating measures that the agency implements regarding climate change. I was forwarded to the Director and she clarified that there was no centralized measures being done regarding the matter. The agencies have their own means in coping climate change. Their office however, has suggested creating a special committee that will monitor the actions done by members of the Agri Industrial Development Committee (AID Comm) under the Regional Development Council (RDC).

I was then cleared that Dir. Manzur was the head of the AID Comm under RDC. I was dumbfounded to know that Manzur, over the telephone seemed to be puzzled about the special committee even though it is under his jurisdiction. Having this situation at hand, I made a quick decision to go on with the article leaving out Dir Manzur and focusing on the reports of various offices for the story.

I requested a copy of the report from the DOST Director’s department and she forwarded me to the Assistant Regional Director.

The person was unavailable and I was asked to call the next day to update. Before leaving I was also informed that NEDA has a copy of the reports by various agencies that are members of the RDC’s AID Comm.

This week certainly is not the best week of my life; having misinterpretations over questions, people out of town, regional offices in Pagadian, plus family emergencies and a billion other things to be pessimistic about.

I’m supposed to do the article about climate change tonight, but I’m certainly going nowhere at this point.

The most difficult learning to comprehend is that things don’t always go as planned. You can hope for the best but you have to expect for the worst. I’m running out of time for my article and I still don’t have sufficient amount of information.

May 8
Today I started off with calling NEDA, Zamboanga Office regarding the reports on climate change and yet again, the people where as clueless as I was in saying that it was not under their office and I should contact other offices regarding climate change and certainly not NEDA for that. It seems like they are unaware that the AID COMM secretariat is under NEDA.

I also made a call at NEDA Office in Pagadian regarding my article on MDG so that I can get a head start with my interview on Monday. But I was informed that Miss Carion is in this City. How confusing to know that she is in Zamboanga when I was earlier informed that she is in Pagadian.

Having too much of unsuccessful phone calls, I was yet to be given another one when I called the DOST Office and looked for the Asst. Regional Director for the report on climate change. Accordingly he was in a meeting with the director. When I asked how long it would take, “quite a while” was a reply aching to my ears.

I had to go back to the hospital and so I made a decision and told my boss that I won’t be able to do the climate change article too. This leaves me with no article to submit this week.

I’m not proud of this, and most certainly unhappy about the turn out of events this week. I feel like I don’t know what to do anymore. My mind is pre-occupied by my father’s condition and these people I interview for the articles are unsupportive.

I am drowned in an unlikely disposition this week. Now I know how it feels for professionals to be caught in between their job and family. Now I know that getting information is not as easy as it sounds. There will always be impediments and I should be ready for all of these.

Today I’m reminded that life doesn’t always go my way. I just have to be strong and be focused on my priorities.

De Leon: Week 4 at Peace Works

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

May 4, 2009
6:00 – 7:30 PM
When I opened my e-mail last Monday evening, there were two story assignments that were given for the week. The first one is about the Tzu Chi Foundation and the other one is about the Center of Wellness of Zamboanga City Medical Center. I was glad because both stories are connected to one sector, the ZCMC. Since it was already beyond office hours, I just browsed the web to check if there is available information about any of the topics.

From there, I found out that Tzu Chi is a big international charity foundation through their official website. I just saved all the necessary pages from the web for further readings. Since there were so many of them, I just had a quick look on some important points and decided to read more some time later.

May 5, 2009
10:00-11:30 AM
The following day when I woke up, I read my stored files about the Tzu Chi foundation. From there, I got the telephone number of the Tzu Chi Zamboanga liaison office.

May 5, 2009
1:00 PM
After lunch, I remembered that my grandfather underwent a cataract operation before with the help of Tzu Chi foundation. I called up my aunt, according to my mother, knows the head of the local Tzu Chi office to inquire about the foundation. However, my aunt was not there so I just talked to my uncle who is a nurse in ZCMC. Unfortunately, he had no idea about my query. Yet, he was able o give me some information about the other topic, which is the center of wellness. He gave me some name that I can approach and ask about the center.

I called the ZCMC through the numbers I got from the directory. From there, I was transferred to different offices, connected to several lines, talked to various people and in the end got one answer: “All of the people you need are out of the city. They will be back next week.” Alright, the soonest time that I can talk to whoever is in the position to discuss the topic is on Monday.

So, I then decided to work on the other article. I dialed the number that I got from the Tzu Chi website and inquired who I can talk to for an interview about Tzu Chi. I was lucky enough that the coordinator was there at the office when I called up and so I talked to him. Dr. Anton Mari H. Lim was kind enough to schedule the interview the following day at 1:30 at the eye center.

Because of the unavailability of the resources that I need for the other article, I immediately informed the editor about it and it was moved the following week. Another topic will be given to me in replacement, he said.

May 6, 2009
10:00 AM
I opened my e-mail to check if there is an email about the new topic that I will be writing about in replacement of the postponed article. New topic was about domestic violence against women, in relation to the upcoming mother’s day celebration. I called the office of DSWD to inquire and the same thing happened. I was transferred to different offices, connected to several lines and talked to various people. Finally, an instruction was given to me. I was asked to send a letter of request to the regional director of DSWD.

May 6, 2009
12:30 PM
I went to RCPI to fax the letter for Dir. Romo so that I can save time and resources instead of dropping it at the office. However, RCPI resumes work at 1pm so I still waited for half an hour. Then, there were some problems because the receiving line ran out of paper so I waited for another couple of minutes.

May 6, 2009
1:40-3:30 PM
I arrived at ZCMC compound ten minutes late. It was my first time to enter the compound and the guard gave me a not so clear instruction to locate the eye center. Finally, I arrived fifteen minutes before two pm. Dr. Lim was still doing something when I arrived at his office and so I still had the time to sit down, relax, breathe and prepare myself for the interview.

We already agreed that we will have the interview recorded when we talked over the phone. After the interview, he gave me a pamphlet about the foundation, two still thoughts cards of Master Cheng Yen and three issues of the magazines that the foundation produces. They were really kind and he even toured me around the center and asked a nurse to show me the facilities of the center.

When I asked him if I can get some photos, he offered that it would be better if he will give me their photos during their operations and activities. He gave me his call card and told me to just text him the photos that I need and he’ll send it to me via e-mail.

May 7, 2009
9:00 AM
I called at the DSWD office to follow-up my request. The regional director was out of town and they haven’t checked the fax yet. I was asked to call after fifteen minutes and so I did. When I called, the staff member said that she will forward the communication to the OIC and I should call before lunchtime. I called at around 11:30 and they said that there are some protocols regarding interviews. The topic is very sensitive as they said, and they cannot decide if they can grant the request with further limitations because the director is not around. Because of this, the story was cancelled.

12:30 PM
I checked my notes and listened to the interview to get the important points that Dr. Lim mentioned. I outlined the information that I got and started to write the story. I ended at around three o’clock because I still had my lunch and some breaks. J

After reading the article once more at around 6pm, I texted Dr. Lim about the photos that I need. He said that the message sending keeps failing and asked for my other e-mail addresses. When I checked my e-mail at ten, there were already five messages and by and by, more messages kept on coming. So I decided to take a final check the next day to make sure that everything is in.

May 8, 2009
5:00 PM
I went to Jardin Maria Clara to take more photos because I felt that my earlier shots during the past week were not so good. When I went home, I check my e-mail and saved the photos that Dr. Lim sent me. He texted to ask if I got the photos exactly the time that I was on them. I replied and extended my thanks for his kindness and hospitality the entire time.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.

o Photography. Another important thing that journalists should be good at is taking the photos that they need to accompany their story. As weeks pass, I myself, become more familiar with the camera, I get used to dealing with other people and having the courage to take photos in public without thinking what other people would think. I admit that before, I felt uncomfortable especially when I have to take photos of people. But now, I feel more confident especially when I ask for permission to take some photos. And, most importantly is the story that each photo takes. While I am taking photos for the article on public parks, I am already imagining the caption that I will write. And for the longest time, this is the article that I can say I got many photos that can be released.

o Choice of words. Noticing and comparing how Sir Rey edits our work taught me a lot on how to write the story. Right now, there were already five stories that we submitted, and from five stories, I already learned some things on how a sentence should be written, what other words we can use when we have to repeat the same idea and other things similar to that.

o Speed of writing process. Writing the story about Tzu Chi foundation did not take me a very long time. Usually, I spend an entire afternoon or evening until midnight to finish a story. But this week, I ended early at around three when I started at noontime and that already included my lunch break and some other breaks like watching some portions on the TV show, going outside to buy something, CR break and others. From this, at least I know that I can finish a story in less time compared to what I had before.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.
I hate it whenever my planned schedule is not followed within the week. By default, I wanted Monday to be my day for appointment transactions, request for access to offices, or contacting people that I need for the story. Tuesday and Wednesday are my information gathering period. However, this week was a total topsy-turvy. Having two unsuccessful articles for different reasons made me feel bad.

Well at least the story about the wellness center is moved next week and I can just follow up my appointment with the center’s representative. But the other one, which was cancelled, was something that I felt excited about. Then, it did not pursue.

But having the interview about the Tzu Chi Foundation was a really good experience. The best part of the internship is when I get the chance to talk to people, listen to their stories, find out their advocacies, share their thoughts and be touched by their experiences. That is the best part and then I easily get excited to tell their story to other people. J I then realized what our instructor said when we were still in freshmen, if you love to tell stories, you belong to this field, mass communication. And that is exactly what we are doing now. As journalists, we inform the public and we tell them stories.

Also because of these encounters, we meet many people, build connections, gain friends and encounter many opportunities. Dr. Lim even asked me if I could share my writing skills to the foundation and write some stories about Tzu Chi and how other people’s lives are changed.

Appreciation from other people naturally makes me feel good. It motivates me to work harder, improve my performance and exert more effort. But more than that, I feel more blessed that other people see my talent/skill in writing as a gift and that through this, I can help spread good news to other people and change their lives. This was what Dr. Lim told me after having the story about Tzu Chi written. Maybe it is also because I am still a beginner and every opportunity that comes seems to be something new to me. But, I think that it is something good because through these opportunities, my interest in this field heightens. And at least, I find more meaning why I am doing this thing. Through this, I realized that other people do not only appreciate what I am doing but acknowledges that this job is something that really changes other people’s lives.