Monday, May 4, 2009

Barredo: Week #2 at MYX Magazine

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.
My second week started with a bang. I could not find my Daily Time Record (DTR) on the reception area. Then the guard on-duty told me that I have to see Ms. Kristel for some notifications.

Anyway, I submitted my assignment for the weekend. I was tasked to search for album covers for the MYXed section of the magazine. Then, Ms. Zsaris taught me how to operate their scanner.

Accordingly, I will be using it for scanning the album covers for the MYX Beat. The CDs came from the record company that is why I really have to scan them.

I already have the chance to finally utilize my compromised CD archive. I was given the job to look for pictures for the MYXellaneous department and also for the MYX Summer Fest feature. It was not difficult but it was also not easy. There were a lot of pictures to choose from and I had to trust my own judgment to choose good pictures. I remember Ms. Zsaris advise that in choosing good shots, I have to look not only at the picture’s angle but also at its photo content, something that says a lot so that we can give them good captions too. And good thing I had a good photojournalism class back in my first semester during my sophomore year.

This week, I was able to make a fine checklist for the texts and pictures needed for the staff to complete. It will be very helpful for us because through this checklist, we will be able to identify the things that still needs follow-up and the things that are already OK.

The recent issue of MYX Magazine, the April-May 2009 issue, was already out last week. The staff is expecting the complimentary copies this week. These copies will be sent out to the personalities or artists featured in this magazine’s issue. When the copies arrived, Ms. Zsaris asked me to fill up a number of Job Request Forms.

Then, I could say that one of the most exciting events during the duration of my internship was the Radio Tour on Friday, 24th of April. I and Ms. Klara, together with Sarah (from the marketing department) and Sir Calde (Marketing officer and bassist of the OPM band, Chicosci), went to two different radio stations in Manila. Our first stop was 107.5 NU (Home of NU Rock) where I met DJ/VJ Monica. It was located in Ortigas. The talk lasted for almost an hour. Our next destination was 99.5 RT (RhyThm of the City). The whole tour was fun and fine. I was actually grateful that I had this opportunity because I got to meet different people and go to different places.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.
My learning this week varies from the stuffs I have learned in simple things from the lessons I get through the casual talks that I have with the staff.

Now, I know how to use the scanner. It was very helpful especially to me. Because of this facility, I was able to send urgent documents.

The checklist I made did not only help the magazine staff but it also improved my means/sense of organization. Since they gave me the freedom to lay-out it, I am the one who knows each detail of it.

Majority of my work this week was to choose good pictures for the different sections and features in the magazine. I could say that I was really able to apply the picture judgment skills and theories that I have acquired during my Photojournalism class with Ma’am Sandy. Though I am not the one who took the pictures, I was the one given the task to pick out picture-worthy ones for the magazine’s next issue specifically for the MYX Summer Fest special and the MYXellaneous section.

As an addition, Ms. Zsaris disclosed that pictures of foreign artists that we are going to use in the magazine are gotten with permission from the record label. However, the local ones, as much as possible, must come from the MYX archives so that these pictures will not be seen in other magazines. Also, so that the magazine will have ownership in each picture used in every issue.

I have mentioned in my report during the first week that I will be writing a review for a particular album for the MYXed section. I submitted it just this week and I could say that I am satisfied with my work. I wanted to present a whole new approach in writing a review for MYXed. It is a regular portion in the magazine so somehow, I wanted to give it a new touch. I actually risked and experimented considering that this is my first time to write a review for a particular album. I am not sure if I have given justice to the album but I am sure that I did the necessary first before writing—research. I also read past reviews to get a glimpse of their writing style when it comes to reviews.

I have learned before that there is a hip relationship between the advertising and the magazine industry. That is why many transactions and negotiations can be done with these two industries involved. Accordingly, you can buy magazine covers and feature the artist of the company’s choice. You can also apply product placement and company naming on the cover, in one of the pages, or at an article. But accordingly, writers do not present this as an advertorial to also maintain the reputation of the magazine.

I have also heard and witnessed the PR side of magazine production this week. They submitted jpeg files to the online team and on the music channel personnel to promote the latest issue of MYX Mag. MYX VJs and different radio station DJs promoted the magazine on air. The MYX Mag is advertised in the MYX Channel. The radio tour that we had was also part of the PR.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.

My second week started with a bang. I could not find my Daily Time Record (DTR) on the reception area. Then the guard on-duty told me that I have to see Ms. Kristel for some notifications.
Allow me to further this story.

Accordingly, I lack three company requirements—endorsement letter, certificate of good moral character, evaluation form, and also the signed ABS-CBN Publishing Inc. OJT Terms & Conditions. Ms. Kristel disclosed that I would not be able to proceed with my internship if I will not be able to complete my requirements on or before Wednesday.

I have mentioned before that I already sensed that something was not right and I think this is already it. I immediately contacted one of my classmates to ask for help and, of course, the OJT coordinator. This was where the use of a scanner was really helpful (partly because I do not know how to use the fax and nobody was there to help me at that time).

Thank the heavens, I was able to complete my requirements by Wednesday. Actually, I really do not know what would happen if was not able to do so.

So, the journey of my internship continues.

This week, I went with Ms.Zsaris again with her work at the This time the live chat featured the local band, Paraluman. I was really glad that I have this opportunity to meet OPM bands since I am an OPM fan. I support Original Pilipino Music!

I started the week with a bang. I also ended it with a bang. I attended the Earth Jam 2009 held at Tomas Morato just in the vicinity. Various artists performed during that event. I am glad and very fortunate to attend a free concert dedicated to the people’s love and care for our mother earth.

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