Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Barredo: Week 4 at Myx Magazine

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

If last week was the best week, then I would have to say that the last two weeks of my internship are the best-est! Ms. Zsaris was right when she said that the ‘fun and excitement’ of producing a magazine is during the last few days of the production period.

I met a lot of OPM bands during the shoot of the M&G section. In this part, a particular fan will get a chance to meet and greet his/her favorite local or foreign band. This gave me the opportunity to tag along and also have some photo ops with some of my best-likes bands like Imago and Sandwich. It felt so good to be inside a room surrounded by some well-known bands. The fun of it also is that I get to attend a concert for free and with special passes since I’m with the MYX crew!

I also worked as a runner for the cover photo shoot. It was actually cool except for the elevator trip for like a hundred times on that day. It made me feel dizzy. Though, I get to eat pizzas for free after all those hustles and bustles. However, for the second photo shoot, it was like a treat for me. I did not have loads of work to do. The staff and crew of the photographer were all present that was why I just did a little work. I felt pleased to be able to have the chance to be there, witnessing a photo shoot with my favorite band. J

I was also able to see MYX channel’s shoot for the Wer U At? segment and ate lunch with VJ Bianca and the rest. This segment also appears in the magazine that was why we also have to cover the shoot The food in the featured restaurant was good though my stomach sank when I heard that the cheapest food there would be at least 500php.

We also went to The Fort to cover a taping for a music video. Numerous media people were present and the security was so tight. But I did not do much since Ms. Klara will be the only one to take charge of the event.

I also experienced difficult tasks this week. One of them was to search for lyrics for more than a dozen of songs! I had to check every word in each song lyrics. It would not be that difficult I do not have someone to share the Mac. The art director was also working on the layout in the same computer. So the only time I would be able to work was when he takes a break. And another thing, I only had 7 hours to do it since the deadline would be the next day! They had to submit the lyrics to the chord picker. Talk about pressure… But don’t get me wrong. I actually enjoyed it since I love the songs that will be featured in this issue. I get to know the songs first hand.

Another hard task was transcribing an interview. It was so difficult because I had some problems with my hearing. Nonetheless, I was able to do it.

I also took charge of the portfolio of the magazine’s new issue. I helped in checking the content and pictures that will be used. Speaking of pictures, if before I choose pictures from the pc, this time I had to choose from hardcopy pictures and scan them.

I was also the one who wrote leads for the MYX News section of the MYX Mag. I always keep in mind the things I have learned during the Basic and Advanced Journalism classes like weigh the most important news element for the news lead.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.

I encountered new things during this part of my internship. Some were about the magazine pagination and portfolio. Since the magazine will be having two covers per issue (which started last month), it would be very helpful to have this pagination. Though, accordingly, they already use this way back. The pagination comes handy for identifying the location of a specific article or ad in the magazine. After the art director finishes a page layout, they print it out and place it in the portfolio for further checking by the editorial assistant.

But apart from the technicalities of magazine production, I have gained several insights from the staff themselves. There comes a time when everybody seems to be so exhausted and is not in the mood. One should be sensitive enough to understand each other. There are times to joke around and times to get serious. However, the thing that I value the most is that aside from treating them as co-workers and conform to certain limitations, above anything else, I know that I have found a friend in them. When things get so tough, we would play the guitar and have a short jamming session. We sing, we laugh, we joke around. There are moments when the people don’t talk to each other and I am amazed by how they respect each others silence.

Producing a magazine is indeed a tough job especially in MYX Mag since they have two covers. People may get pissed off with each other, or refuse to agree with a particular matter. There are times when you run out of budget and work so late in the evening. But, everything comes off with the output. Every time an issue gets published, all the hard works, overtimes, pressures, and the like seem to appear at the back of the staff’s heads. It all pays off.

As for me, I could say that this internship is sulit. It was like a complete package deal. I have learned things to aid me with my studies, met people that would be of help for my future career in this field, and most especially, gained insights that would improve my self.

I just can’t wait to see the output of my OJT with MYX Mag.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.

During my OJT with MYX Mag, I also helped with other publications like Maxim, Weddings, and Chalk.

I extended my OJT for two days so that I could still attend the shoots for the second cover and for the MYX Space section.

If not because of Ms. Zsaris, I would not be able to experience radio tours and live chats with popular artists. I owe to her almost half of the opportunities I’ve had during my internship period.

And most importantly, I learned a lot of things and I had FUN. J

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