Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Querubin: Week 5 at PeaceWorks

May 11
Today I went to the Department of Science and Technology Office to interview Mr. Martin Wee regarding the mitigating measures implemented by the Office about Climate Change. I was also able to collect information regarding the plans on centralizing the measures conducted by various agencies under the Agri-Industrial Development Committee (AID Com). He also advised me to contact Ms Susan Valerio from the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) Region IX, AID COM secretary regarding the AID Com meeting of centralizing the mitigating measures.

I also went to the NEDA Office to interview Miss Grace Carreon regarding the monitoring of the office on the Millennium Development Goals. Unfortunately Miss Carreon told me that she did not bring the copy of the Report, she also implied a tone that entails she could not supply the information I need. Nonetheless, I thanked her and went on my way to school and asked for contact numbers from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

I realized that you can never be picky when it comes to information sources. You must take all the chances you can get even when they seem difficult to you. I am saying this because after the confusing role of NEDA about two of my assigned stories, the office still ends up as the very source of information for my article.

Somehow I feel more productive than last week but I have a long way to go with the assigned articles for this week.

May 12
I spent the day researching about the USAID installation of computers at the Western Mindanao State University.

I made a number of calls to DENR Pagadian Office however all I get are either error or busy tones. I resorted to acquiring the number of the City Environment Office. When I called, the person on the other line said that the people in charge are out of town and she could not cater to my needs. I also called Miss Valerio from NEDA Pagadian and requested a copy of the meeting’s minutes. However she told me that the copy is in the Zamboanga Office and forwarded me to a certain Elvie. However, when I called to NEDA Zamboanga, Elvie is on her way to Pagadian.

I also went to WMSU to interview acting President Miss Ho for the USAID story, however she was out of the office and I was asked to return the next day.

I learned yet again that is very difficult to interview people from government offices.

May 13
Today I went back to WMSU to conduct the interview but then again, Miss Ho was in a meeting with the Deans of the Colleges. I was advised by the people in the front desk to interview Mr. Potenciano for the matter and when I went to his office, the secretary informed that he was in a meeting apparently with Miss Ho. I was able to find the Language Resource Center but sadly the office was closed.

I went back to the Executive Building hoping that the meeting was over but it seemed to be a very long meeting. I decided to wait but after some time, the people in the waiting room told me to just come back because the meeting won’t end anytime soon.

Disappointed and gravely feeling unproductive, I conducted another phone brigade. I tried to contact DENR Pagadian and City Environment but there is no response to my call. I also called Miss Carreon trying to change my luck regarding the MDG story. I had a phone interview with her but was cut short because she was leaving the office.

I still feel that my two earlier assigned articles are short in information and are not sure on how to pursue in writing them.

Today I learned the essence of time for the nth time in my life.

May 14
I went back to WMSU for the interview with Miss Ho but her secretary told me she was out and asked me to come back. I then went to the Language Resource Center and asked regarding the article. The director’s husband forwarded me to the Research building where I was able to interview the technical coordinator and take pictures of the lab where the computers were installed. The program coordinator was also there and an interview was done.

After the interview I went back to Miss Ho’s office and her secretary asked me to go back in the afternoon because the President had a visitor. Feeling discouraged, I went home and was back in the afternoon. Not taken by surprise, the President was then again out and I was asked to go back at 3pm.

Going back to the Language Resource Center came to my mind in case I can get additional information from the director this time around. When I entered the room she was hurriedly going out informing me that the Advisor for the Project from USAID is there outside waiting for her. I then took the opportunity and went with her. The Advisor told me that he will first attend to the meeting with the director and will come back to meet me afterwards. I was then asked to wait at the Language Resource Center. I did as I was told and have been waiting for a whole one and a half hour. It was three o’clock and so I decided to go back to the President’s office and alas she was in a meeting, again.

I went back to the Center only to see the director already tutoring the foreign student I was waiting with earlier. She told me that the Advisor was very busy and could not give the interview anymore. I thanked her and went home.

I feel disappointed not being able to interview the President. The interview could have been helpful because she was the one with the information regarding the opening ceremony to be held in Marawi.

I also felt twice as disappointed with the could-have-been interview with the foreign Advisor from USAID.

I realized yet again that gathering information is not an easy task and should be taken seriously.

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