Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lim: Week 5 at PeaceWorks

An unproductive week. That’s how my fifth OJT week ended.

As I continued pursuing my unaccomplished article of last week, my new assigned article for the week gave me a hard time too.

My interviewee on my last week’s article still gave me a hard time. I kept calling their office every day. It was on a daily basis that I ask for their time to have a short interview with me and it was on a daily basis that they postpone their appointment with me. I even tried asking for their email address to at least gather information from them via email still, they wouldn’t give me. The information gathering with them ended up in a phone interview wherein very few information were given. Accordingly, they run out of brochures which my interviewee as her basis and just completely read through the phone. Then Sir Rey told me to replace that article with something that has to do with the Department of Tourism (DOT). Right after I received the message, I called the DOT which unfortunately told me to call the up again next week because their boss are out of town. Worst came to worst.

My article for the week had me struggling for plant and flower vendors all over Plaza Pershing. I asked almost everybody in that area and accordingly, they no longer exist in there. The soonest I f0ound out about this, I informed Sir Rey who gave me the association to contact regarding my article. I called the number he gave me but unfortunately it wasn’t working. So I searched for other means to contact the association and thank God, I got their new contact number. I was able to talk to them and they told me that their vendors are currently located at Caragasan. I was then ready to go at that place that very moment but they told me to go on a Sunday because they need to inform their vendors, etc.

Sunday!! Oh no.. Article’s due on Thursday.

Thursday passed ad I didn’t submit my article. When Sunday came, I had my interview with the vendor’s association president. But before I was able to find her, I asked a lot of vendors in that area who kept on telling me they didn’t know who I was looking for. During my interview, I found out that all those people I happened to ask were members of the association. Kind of weird.

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