Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Reyes: Week 1 at FAME, Inc.

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

DAY 1 – I was able to make friends with my co-workers in the production department. I came too early that is why I was given the chance to talk with Mike, an early bird like me. He introduced me to all my co-workers and I was really welcomed. My supervisor, Ms. Lucci Coral, was in Laguna for a photoshoot of ancestral homes. Since she wasn’t around, she just sent me a message for my first task. She asked me to do a research on Chef Sau of Discovery Shores. It is for a Zen Health article. I was told to use her computer. I was informed by my co-workers that the server is down. I sent her a text message saying the server is down and asked her what time she needs the said research. She told me that there is no time frame. I said I will get on it the moment the server is okay. She asked me to meanwhile browse four of the company’s magazines: Health and Lifestyle, DiabetEASE, Zen Health and Travel Plus to get a feel of how their works. Afternoon came and the server was still down. I have read about six of their magazines, specifically the write-ups of my supervisor and my co-workers in the production department. Finally, late afternoon, the server was good. I turned on her computer and started working. I started typing in keywords on Chef Sau of Discovery Shores. But then, I was confused because the results were divided into Chef Sau del Rosario and a Chef Sau Restaurant. To keep myself from guessing, I sent a message to my supervisor to confirm. She was referring to Chef Sau del Rosario of Discovery Shores. Unfortunately, not much of the results helped. So I decided to separate them: Chef Sau del Rosario and Discovery Shores. Results came up and there were a lot. I started reading and separating a useful information from the useless ones. Whenever I find a useful information, I copy paste them in MS Word with the link. I have copy pasted at least fifteen and then I saved them as a draft on my e-mail. It was almost five in the afternoon when I have finished sorting them all out. I turned off the computer and at about 5:15 in the afternoon, I said goodbye to my co-workers and went home.

DAY 2 – Ms. Lucci asked me about my research on Chef Sau and I told her how it went. It was set aside. I was given a new task: to transcribe. She sent me a file on my e-mail. It is an audio file of an interview with Ms. Patis Tesoro for an article she would be working with. I was asked to work on Ms. Jenny’s computer, who wasn’t around for the week. As I was downloading the file, Ms. Lucci came to me to see if I’ve been working on it already. She found out it has 59 minutes more to go before I could get the file she sent in my e-mail. So she borrowed a USB from my co-worker, copy-pasted the file on her laptop and then, gave the USB to me. The audio file won't play. So finally, she had me working on her laptop. I thought it was an easy task. But as I was listening to the interview, it was no easy job. There were words pronounced way too fast, like "Katutubong Pilipino". I wasn't even sure if I got it right so I had the text in bold to check on it later. And then there were phrases that need not to be transcribed, like five “Uhm’s”. There were dogs barking so I do not know what was said during the barks. It was a challenge. I triple checked it to be sure! The words/phrases in bold was repeated about or more than ten times to make sure I got it right. After transcribing, which by the way took about four hours or so, I was given a take-home assignment. I was asked to write a 500-word article on Edsa Garden House. Pictures on that place were sent on my e-mail and a brochure was given to me. At about 5:30 PM, I went home. By the way, sometime in the afternoon, I was asked my supervisor if I would like to model for their upcoming magazine this May, Hannah Montana. I said yes.

DAY 3 – I already sent my article on Ms. Lucci’s e-mail yesterday, April 27. I was asked to write an article on Chef Sau del Rosario’s Healthy Cooking. The only information I have are the ones from the internet, the ones I have researched. I was given a calling card of the said Chef. I was told to call him via telephone or cell phone. I had to ask for his recipe on Chilled Soba. Also, I have to ask for his curriculum vitae. And then, if he has free time, I have to ask questions to fill the missing pieces of my article via e-mail. I started reading my research again and again and again until I finally started to write. For about three long hours, I was able to write two paragraphs. Our entire afternoon was spent for our photo shoot for our company's soon-to-launched magazine, Hannah Montana. Fun is an understatement if asked to describe how it was. It was SMASHING! After the shoot, I was back to being an intern and was asked to do a product list of all that we have used.

DAY 4 – I continued my write-up on Chef Sau. I started thinking of questions to ask him and had them checked by Ms. Lucci.

DAY 5 –I called Chef Sau del Rosario. I first greeted him a good morning, said my name and informed him I’m an intern for Zen Health magazine. I then told him that we are going to do an article on him on healthy cooking. I asked for his curriculum vitae, his recipe on Chilled Soba and then I asked him if it’s okay to ask about five questions to complete my write-up. He asked me to e-mail him all those and then he’d get back to me. With the help of my supervisor, I e-mailed him everything that I need from him using the company’s e-mail address.

DAY 6 – I was asked to do filing. I was given a stack of papers. I am to file them into different envelopes. The ones I feel are trash are later checked if they are really trash, and they are to be thrown in the trash can just below Ms. Lucci’s table.

DAY 7 – I called Chef Sau to follow up. He said he’s in Boracay and he will get to it as soon as he gets back. I was asked to copy and look for a number for the pull out of outfits for Ara Mina’s photoshoot this Wednesday. I went looking for Topshop’s contact number in the internet and went to copy some numbers from my supervisor’s cell phone. She taught me what to say when calling for a request to pull out clothes. Since one of the requirements to be able to pull out clothes is a letter via fax, I was taught how to make a letter for them. She asked me to print them. She signed the letter and made me fax it. She demonstrated it to me at first and let me do the rest. Finally, I know how to fax! I faxed a few letters. Ms. Lucci also asked me to remind her from time to time to follow up some calls and I did so.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.

For this week, I have learned how to fit with the team. I have formed friendships. I am acquainted with my co-workers and in the middle of our work, they would sometimes make some noise and we’d laugh our hearts out. I have learned a great deal of discipline. Punctuality is no longer a big problem for me. I always come before 8AM. I have to meet deadlines and have met them well when I was given an article to write. I work well and I give my best in whatever task given. I do whatever it takes for self-improvement because there is more to learn. And, I’m learning a lot actually. I want to open myself up to acquiring more knowledge. I am very self-motivated in my work. I’ve been courteous. I greet everyone I meet with a smile. When I don’t know something, I ask. Asking is really important. It saves me time from guessing. Hopefully, in the weeks to come, I’d be better than who I am right now.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.

I’m still following up my TOR. It is a week of deadlines for them all. Everyone is really busy. Hopefully, by next week, it would be okay.

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