Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Santiago: Week #3 at Fleishman-Hillard

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.

My third week in Fleishman was quite busy. I was still tasked to do the daily newspaper monitoring/scanning and looking for any online news, article, or advertisement regarding their clients (Avaya, Etihad, Gardasil) and any article regarding the poll automation and Sen. Angara bill.

Just like last two weeks I was asked to do weekly and daily reports for Avaya. This includes researching, looking for links and documenting the things that we have monitored in the newspapers.

Last week I was asked to call bunch of people. I was asked to look for the contact person for T.V personalities like Kc Concepcion, Edu Manzano, Derek Ramsay, and etc. We were requested to find out who is available for hosting for an event this coming June for one of our clients. We were tasked to find out the talent fees of the above mentioned names.

I was absent last Wednesday because I was sick, I had flu and so I wasn’t able to go to work. When I came back on Thursday we were called for a meeting and were tasked again to call and confirm things with people. We were also asked to do advertorial layouts for selected magazines and newspapers. The clients want a tangible sample for the advertorials.

We were also asked to write an article about Avaya. A news article was given to us and we were asked to find an angle in the astory and localized it here in the Phulippines.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.
At first I was scared and hesitant to talk to people, to talk to people with names in the Media profession, but now I can say that I have overcome that fear and I can confidently talk to people even just on the phone.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.
The whole duration of my stay in Fleishman was worth my time; I really had fun and learned a lot. I will surely not forget this once in a lifetime experience. Aside from the facet that this is my first real job, I really have this passion for PR and so I’m considering a career in PR after graduation.

Today is my last day here in Fleishman, my Supervisor is out for an event but he left me things to do for the day. Hopefully I will come back here before leaving for Zamboanga.

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