Thursday, May 21, 2009

Reyes: Week 3 at Fame, Inc.

A. List down all the tasks that you performed during this period. Describe each in detail.
DAY 13 – I did transcribing the whole day. It was a bit boring and a bit fun. It was frustrating sometimes, not understanding some words and phrases.

DAY 14 – Ezetimibe, simvastatin, hypercholesterolemia. These are just some of the many words that I do not understand and were able to thanks to the internet. Yes, it takes research to know some of these words. Luckily, I have a bunch of fun co-workers who can’t stand the deafening noise of silence. With the team I am with, transcribing is never that boring. It’s just not much of a fun also, especially with all those medical terms in every sentence. I did transcribing for the whole day.

DAY 15 – Today is sadly the last day of my fellow intern, Edrick. He started two weeks earlier than I did. As usual, we were transcribing what I feel are alienated messages. Every twenty minutes or so, we would stop, talk and have a few laughs to keep our sanity. And then, we’re back to transcribing again. I’m guessing there are about a hundred or more words I labeled as BLAH. I try so hard to understand them, repeated them until I’m tired of not understanding them at all. I didn’t want to guess the words or phrases so I temporarily labeled them as BLAH. I’d get back to them later when I’m finally done with it all. We are to transcribe four tapes! We were transcribing for almost the whole day. I only stopped when one of my co-workers asked me for help on filing. Happily, I helped on filing. But, I still ended my day transcribing.

DAY 16 – I came early as always. I’m guessing you know what I did. I did transcribing. Ms. Lucci isn’t around because she was on the on set of our upcoming magazine, Hannah Montana. This was the magazine I modeled at. I saw the mock up and it was awesome. Anyway, I was transcribing, transcribing and transcribing. It feels different not having Edrick around, my fellow transcriber. This is, by the way, the last day of our managing editor. She’s getting married. She would be resigning and Ms. Lucci would replace her. On our lunch out, the owner of our company told us that we would be having a lunch meeting. Lunch came and we were surprised to find out that it was a treat for our managing editor since she refused to have a despedida party. It was not a meeting at all, it was plain eating out filled with laughter. I actually brought a pen and paper just in case I had to jot down notes. Anyway, I ended my day transcribing.

DAY 17 – Transcribing once again. I must admit, there are times when all I want to do is throw the tape. I’ve been listening to the speakers for how many days now, trying to understand his words. I’m starting to think he’s been speaking a different language at times. But obviously, I’m just being lazy. Suddenly, my co-workers were taking out stuff toys from their bags. Bright colored, cutie stuff toys are placed on the table and so I stopped transcribing. I asked them what the stuff toys are for, and they said it’s for the cover shoot of H&L today. Ms. Lucci came and later talked us on the concept of the said cover shoot. It was way cool. Our photoshoot would start this afternoon, 1PM. Afternoon came and we’ve began preparing for the shoot. I have helped into transforming our conference room into a studio. Photoshoots really keep us alive. Not only are we having big smiley faces as the camera spots us, it’s a time to be our goofy selves minus the feeling of working. One of my co-workers is doing the makeup for our model, who is also our co-worker. We were placing all the stuff toys in the box and placed a kite made by my two co-workers as said in the plan. I wish I could help in making the kite but since kite-making wasn’t included in my childhood, all I did was watch and hand them the scissors. There were lots of jokes while working, or should I say, while having fun. And then, when we were done preparing and when the model was ready, we have started our photoshoot. It was all right. The model’s register on the camera is okay, cute actually. And then, in the middle of the shoot, Ms. Lucci suggested that we have our staff shoot after. Of course, being the camera lovers that we are, we agreed. Good thing Edrick, my fellow intern, is on his way to visit us. He would be joining us then. The cover shoot was done in no time. We’e decided to fix the mess after the staff shoot. We’ve decided to go back to our department because the owner of FAME, Inc. is still on a meeting and he would be joining us in the staff shoot. So we went back to our own desks. Ms. Lucci asked me to research health facts, about 20 interesting ones to be included in one of our magazines. And so I did. It was cool. By the way, I keep saying cool because one of my co-workers say this word for countless times everyday and it’s actually contagious. It was really nice to stop transcribing for a while. I find researching health tips really educating. I chose about 30 tips that I find attention-grabbing so that Ms. Lucci could delete the ones she dislikes. I saved it on the desktop. Finally, Doc (how we always call the owner of FAME), was done with his meeting. Staff shoot time was finally coming up. With our love for the camera and being smiling goofs, we undeniably had fun. Doc was actually having fun, too. We were switching places, smiling, smiling and more smiling was done. And then it was over. But there were solo shots done just for the fun of placing it on each other’s facebook. And then, we ended our day with a meeting headed by Ms. Lucci. Our meeting wasn’t the kind of meeting I used to see in the movies – boring. Our meeting was participative, very noisy actually; yet, it was productive. They were discussing the things to o because deadline is very fast approaching and they cannot afford to be late.

B. Describe new skills you learned, or skills you improved upon as a result of these tasks. Be specific.
Patience, more patience, and determination. These are the skills I had at hand to survive transcribing. I am proud to say I am a constant early bird. Sometimes I arrive way too early; I end up waiting for someone to open the office. Experience is indeed the best teacher. I learn a lot as I have fun. I have not been writing for the past few days but I’m proud to say that two of my articles will be published. (Yipee!) I’m working hard on my undesirable number one habit: procrastination. I’ve been self-motivated, really. I see to it that I work well in a team or independently. I am determined in whatever I do. Not only that, I’m having a superb experience with the people I am working with. I feel I am a great company of everyone. My people skills are up. I think, and really hope, that I’ve made a good impression that would last even as I leave.

C. Other thoughts regarding the OJT experience.
It feels sad knowing I only have two more days left. I want to stay longer! Anyway, I’ve given more than the required hours and I’m still planning to visit them while I’m here. Did I mention that we have an allowance? A hundred fifty a day! I feel so blessed. I guess it would be okay to join them in their gimmicks after not being an intern anymore, soon. Tomorrow would be my last day. My last report would be on today and tomorrow. They are planning to do a general cleaning this Saturday and I’m thinking on joining them. All in all, I think I have the coolest on-the-job training, ever!

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